Here you can find my full Discography.
Music written for Flickers Of Etna (2023)
Digital three-song EP accompanying the novella Flickers Of Etna. Released through Feber Wolle Records. Available on streaming Platforms (01.12.23)
Garden Of Endings (2023)
Digital Single. Released through Feber Wolle Records. Available on streaming Platforms
New Waters (2022)
Digital EP released through Feber Wolle Records. Available on streaming Platforms
Hinterhut (2021)
Digital EP released through Feber Wolle Records. Available on streaming Platforms
Be My Redeemer (2021)
Debut Album released through Feber Wolle Records. Available on Vinyl and on streaming platforms
Soap Opera (2021)
Digital EP. Released through Feber Wolle Records. Available on streaming Platforms
Other Releases
Dentist Waiting Room Club - Some Cat Songs
Mini Album released digitally through Feber Wolle and as Tape on Teargarden Records
Medio Toro
The song is of part of a compilation Album released through Sarma Records. Available as CD and streaming Platforms
Mercury Rhyme - Voyager I
Self-released EP
Philipp Schmiegl
Self-released EP. Available on streaming platforms
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